Throwback to 1978 Bellaire Political ads

I originally posted this in the 2015 election, but it still holds true today.


I read an article that all the old newspapers from Bellaire were online. I kind of forgot about it since the link was not easy to remember.  While looking up some things for this election I found the link and found myself reading the papers from 1968 to 1978. I am fascinated by the store ads and seeing what used to be where things are now and business that are long gone.  Did you know that Buteras grocery used to be where the current HEB is?

I posted a few pages of the paper from The Bellaire Texan (Bellaire, Tex.), Vol. 24, No. 42, Ed. 1 Wednesday, March 29, 1978 and I can remember how on election day when I was going to Elrod Elementary the cafeteria would be filled with these giant machines.  We would see them for days before and after the election and as a child an election was just something we knew took over the cafeteria for a few days.  My mom would take me with her and I remember walking in and the curtain. How it was to be a secret and when other kids would ask who your parents voted for you would say you can’t tell anyone.  This first page was the sample ballot and it shows to pull the lever and how to shut the curtain.  If you notice the election was on April 1.  It also seems there were quite a few citizen groups, the B.C.A.S. and S.O.S.

The real point of this post is that after reading all the issues over the years they seem to be the same ones.  Parking, growth, police, parks, and my favorite was stopping the use of Houston ambulances.  I am sure you have heard this many times before, Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it. George Santayana originally said this and it is something we all need to think about this election.  The City of Bellaire has been plagued with the same issues for the past 50 years and we really need to look at the past to see how we can be better prepared to handle the next 50 years.

vote for kevin newman for bellaire city council


vote for kevin newman for bellaire city council  vote for kevin newman for bellaire city council vote for kevin newman for bellaire city council vote for kevin newman for bellaire city council

The Crime in Bellaire for the week of July 8-13

July 8

  At 12:27 a.m., Officer Ortega observed a vehicle in the 5200 block of Mimosa Drive to have a defective license plate light. Officer Ortega initiated traffic stop. Officer Ortega found two occupants to be in possession of narcotics and located narcotics in the vehicle. Officer Ortega placed the occupants into custody for possession of a control substance, penalty group 3. Officer Younger and Corporal Clawson assisted in this case.

  At 12:04 p.m., Officer Lysack was dispatched to the victim’s residence in reference to a burglary of a motor vehicle in the 5400 block of Bissonnet Street. An unknown suspect likely followed the victim from a bank to the location, broke the front passenger window, and grabbed a bank envelope which was sitting on the front passenger seat.

  At 1:07 a.m., Officer Younger was dispatched to the 5200 block of Mimosa Street regarding a 911 hang up call. Officer Younger arrived and contacted the resident who advised she believed an unknown suspect entered her residence and stole her purse.

July 9

  At 12:01 p.m., Officer Tim Quimby was dispatched to 5225 Bellaire Blvd., in reference to a burglary of a motor vehicle. Officer Quimby arrived at 12:05 p.m. and met with the victim. The victim stated unknown suspect(s) burglarized his vehicle between 1155 hours and 1156 hours after he left Bank of America.

  At 3:29 p.m., Officer D. Norman made contact with the reportee at 6565 West Loop South who advised his company vehicle was stolen from the parking garage. Sometime between the hours of 12 and 2:03 p.m. an unknown suspect popped the lock and stole the vehicle. The vehicle was found (stripped) in Houston on July 14.

  At 8:05 p.m., Officer Carson was dispatched to 4400 Bellaire Blvd. in regard to a burglary of motor vehicle. Officer Carson met the victim who advised her vehicle was broken into and her purse was stolen from inside.

July 10

  At 10:41 a.m., Officers Quimby and Lysack were dispatched to a welfare check in the 7800 block of IH 610 WSR in reference to a subject in a wheelchair blocking a moving lane. Subject assaulted Officer Quimby with a white post containing two screws in it. Subject was placed into custody and charged with aggravated assault on a peace officer.

  At 1:12 p.m., Officer Andrade was notified of a vehicle hanging around bank parking lots in the 7000 block of South Rice Avenue. Officer Andrade initiated a traffic stop and made contact with the driver and observed four passengers inside the vehicle. Officer Andrade recognized three of the passengers as subjects who were walking in the area on foot wearing hoods over their heads and carrying back packs prior to the traffic stop. After further investigation, a loaded firearm was located inside the vehicle and all five subjects were placed in custody and transported to the City of Bellaire Jail for further processing and interview. Officers Lysack, Schwausch, Quimby, and Corporal Kramer assisted in this case.

  At 7:06 p.m., Officers were dispatched to the Walgreen’s Pharmacy, 5002 Bellaire Blvd., in reference to a Shoplifting call. Officers were able to locate the Suspect in the 5200 block of Bissonnet St with the stolen item. The Suspect was arrested for theft with two or more prior convictions. Officer Trujillo and Officer Baylis completed the report.

  At 5:26 p.m., Officer Trujillo was dispatched to the above location in reference to a found property call. Upon arrival he spoke to the reportee who stated after he got home from work he found property on the lawn next door.

  At 11:47 a.m., Officer Andrade was dispatched to the Bellaire Police Department Lobby to meet with a reportee in reference to identity theft in the 5200 block of Pochahontas. Upon arrival, Officer Andrade met with the reportee who stated an unknown suspect used her personal information to electronically withdraw funds from her bank checking account.

July 11

  At 1:40 p.m., Officers Baylis and Trujillo were dispatched to 5216 Bellaire Blvd. in reference to a theft call. The Victim stated she left the bank and drove to the above location where an unknown black male suspect opened the unlocked passenger door and stole her purse. The suspect then got into a silver/beige SUV and departed north bound through the parking lot.

  At 8:05 p.m., Officers were dispatched to a burglary of a habitation in the 4900 block of Linden Street. Upon arrival at 8:05 p.m., Officers met with the reportee who stated that about 8 p.m. July 11, the reportee confronted an unknown black male suspect in his home. After the confrontation the Suspect exited the front door. Officers Trujillo and Baylis completed the report.

July 12

  At 12:41 a.m., Officer Rocha observed a disturbance in progress in the 5000 block of Bellaire Boulevard at Chevron. Officer Liccketto arrived and detained the two males. During the investigation, one male was found to be in possession of drug paraphernalia and the other male was found to be in possession of identifying information of someone else. Both males were taken into custody and transported to the Bellaire Police Department for booking and processing. Officer Rocha assisted with the case.

  At 2:39 p.m., Officers were dispatched to the 4900 block of Palmetto Street in reference to an online scam. Upon arrival at 2:44 p.m., Officers met with the victim who stated an unknown person sent an email posing as her boss to purchase several gift cards. Officers Baylis and Trujillo completed the report.

  At 11:27 p.m., Bellaire Police Corporal D. Clawson observed a blue 2015 Dodge Challenger traveling south between the 5200 block of IH 610 S/B and the area noted above while making at least two lane changes without a signal and being paced at approximately 80 mph in a 60 mph zone. I conducted a traffic stop on this vehicle for that offense. During the traffic investigation it was determined the defendant was in possession of marijuana, THC Oils, and suspected marijuana laced edibles. The defendant was subsequently arrested on misdemeanor C drug paraphernalia charges while awaiting lab results on the other contraband. Officer Younger assisted in this case.

  At 4:15 p.m., Detective Delgado was conducting surveillance at Bank of America at 5133 Bellaire Blvd. due to a receiving a large number of burglary of motor vehicle reports, stemming from bank juggings. Detective Delgado observed a gray Volkswagen sedan following a silver sports utility vehicle, out of the Bank of America Parking Lot and into the Home Depot Parking Lot. The suspects within the gray VW were observed, breaking into the silver SUV, and attempting to flee the location. Suspects were apprehended and charges were filed.

July 13

  At 11 a.m., Officer H. Lopez was dispatched to the Bellaire Police Lobby in reference to an identity theft in the 5200 block of Palmetto. The victim stated he made a mistake by giving the suspect personal information regarding his bank account. The suspect set up a ghost account under the victim’s name using a computer and was able to make the victim withdraw money from the ghost account.

  At 7:53 p.m., Officer Bailey was dispatched to HEB located at 5106 Bissonnet, in reference to a theft that occurred on Thursday, July 11. Unknown suspect stole (12) bottles of Caymus Wine valued at $1,017.62 from the location, passing point of sale and left store without paying.

  At 3:06 p.m., Officer Bailey was dispatched to the Bellaire Police Lobby in reference to a credit card abuse incident in the 5900 block of West Loop South. The victim stated an unknown suspect attempted to make four unauthorized charges to her Visa Credit Card in the amount of $85 each at the above location.

Election season has started.

New year and the same PROBLEMS!

Looking at the last 4 years of posts it seems to me that NOTHING has changed. Almost every post is still valid today with nothing changed.


Oh ya, water bill increase in effect this month.

Since we are talking about the budget, the Mayor and City Council will spin it in a super happy and positive light, let me ask you one question.

WHY didn’t the city council and mayor for the last 20 years put into place a plan for maintaining the real cost of water and to realize that the pumping equipment does not last forever and eventually we will need millions to pay for the replacement?

To me, this is the real issue. POOR MANAGEMENT  Some of the people who are responsible for this are still on council.  It really makes no sense to me how poorly the choices were made and why no one will accept responsibility for them.  What good all are these studies and comprehensive plans if we always end up needing more money?  Why wasn’t a plan in place to increase water rates slowly each year?

It is simple, the city needs money to pay for things and it will raise taxes to achieve that.  Even though Bellaire is a small city it still has the same bureaucracy as large cities which has put us in this position.  I have said that Bellaire is a business and it needs to be run like one.  The City Manager is the CEO and city council needs to let him do the job he was hired to do.  If any real business was run like this they would be broke and closed down.  Only in government do you get to spend poorly, not save when you should and still able to function.. This is a story that repeats itself all over America.

The city needs better MANAGEMENT!  Please make sure this election you choose people who will look out for the city and try to make the changes that need to be made.  Lets all take responsibility for the poor choices and actions of the past and move forward together making Bellaire better.

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