Oh ya, water bill increase in effect this month.

Since we are talking about the budget, the Mayor and City Council will spin it in a super happy and positive light, let me ask you one question.

WHY didn’t the city council and mayor for the last 20 years put into place a plan for maintaining the real cost of water and to realize that the pumping equipment does not last forever and eventually we will need millions to pay for the replacement?

To me, this is the real issue. POOR MANAGEMENT  Some of the people who are responsible for this are still on council.  It really makes no sense to me how poorly the choices were made and why no one will accept responsibility for them.  What good all are these studies and comprehensive plans if we always end up needing more money?  Why wasn’t a plan in place to increase water rates slowly each year?

It is simple, the city needs money to pay for things and it will raise taxes to achieve that.  Even though Bellaire is a small city it still has the same bureaucracy as large cities which has put us in this position.  I have said that Bellaire is a business and it needs to be run like one.  The City Manager is the CEO and city council needs to let him do the job he was hired to do.  If any real business was run like this they would be broke and closed down.  Only in government do you get to spend poorly, not save when you should and still able to function.. This is a story that repeats itself all over America.

The city needs better MANAGEMENT!  Please make sure this election you choose people who will look out for the city and try to make the changes that need to be made.  Lets all take responsibility for the poor choices and actions of the past and move forward together making Bellaire better.