Should dogs be allowed in Bellaire parks?
Should dogs be allowed in Bellaire parks?
This Monday at the next city council meeting there will be an agenda item brought by Councilman Roman Reed about letting dogs at the park. The current city ordinance Sec. 6-43 was enacted in 2004 only allowing dogs in the dog park on Lafayette. Prior to that in 1997 the ordinance stated pickup, removal and disposal of dog droppings “left on public property, rights-of-way, or on the property of another person without that person’s consent.”
The Newcastle Trail is filled with people walking their dog and I see responsible owners picking up the poop. Even though there are bag/trash cans along the path there is still noticeable poop in the grass. I feel most dog owners who walk their dog on the path clean up after their dog. It was amazing to me to hear about this at the last council meeting, then to see each Bellaire magazine writing about it and then it even made the local news. The point of Evelyn’s park was to be able to walk around and to commune with nature. Dogs on a leash and responsible dog owners SHOULD be allowed in Bellaire Parks. With the installation of trash and bag stations throughout the park I do not see an issue. Hopefully, owners of skittish and easily startled dogs stay away. A curbside vet care somewhere nearby could also be helpful for the pet owners coming to the park.
In fact it would bring more people to the park who will now walk their dog with the intent to come to the park. Knowing the residents who use the parks on a regular basis, anyone who doesn’t pick after their dog will surely hear the wrath of that concerned resident. I have heard in the past the Animal Control officer would patrol the Lucy dog park checking for dog licenses and writing citations and now the officer could patrol for owners not cleaning up after their dog.
See you at the meeting on Monday. Come say hello.