My thoughts on the proposed tax increase.

Monday night city council held a meeting to discuss the proposed TAX INCREASE. I have been saying for years how the city seems to waste money and when they want to do something the money is there, but when other programs need money there is NONE available.
This has always bothered me and before the flood I was posting about all the things the city has wasted money on. Bellaire is one of the RICHEST cities in Texas. Money is not an issue.
The ISSUE is WASTE and the perceived value of the items the city spends the money on. Most people cant see anything done with the money so there is natural outrage. There is no transparency and I think it is time there is someone on city council who will speak out and call the city on the waste.
The same potholes and poor road conditions I wrote about 2 years ago, still exist. How about we spend the money on things people need and we FINALLY improve the infrastructure of the city. No more half baked fixes to save money, that requires multiple repairs which adds up to cost more money long term.
The city of Bellaire needs the money so we can continue to maintain the high standards residents have come to expect. We need to PAY the Police and Fire personnel at the top of the pay percentage and we need to stop comparing ourselves to West University or anyone else.WE need to set the bar, instead of always trying to copy it!
WE NEED CHANGES NOW! On November 7th elect someone who will stand up for your needs and will hold city council responsible for their choices.
#bellairetexas #proposedtacincrease #citycouncil #election #bellaireelection

Party at the Pavilion October 6

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Mark your calendars, because Friday October 6th is our next Party at the Pavilion! We’ll be rocking to some top hits of the 80s, 90s, and today as performed by Electric Circus. There will be food for purchase from Pink’s Pizza, live music, and loads of family fun.

The party starts at 7pm, so tell all your friends about the best place to be on the first Friday of every month – Party at the Pavilion at the Bellaire Great Lawn.

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Debris Management Update

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The week of September 25 has been the most productive debris removal week yet. The City’s contractor has removed more than 32,000 cubic yards of debris from in front of homes since the operation began on the 8th of September; and the first of at least three passes the contractor will provide is nearing completion. The City’s Public Works Department is working to complete debris removal in solid waste area B. This is the area of the community north of Bellaire Boulevard and West of IH610. The City’s contractor will be working to wrap up the first pass in the Southdale dale area in the coming days and will be continuing their efforts throughout the rest of the community as well. Residents are encouraged to check the Debris Collection Daily Update link on the City’s website, for additional information on debris removal progress. The link includes a map showing which areas have been addressed and gives residents a glimpse into where progress will next be made.

Below are a few tips to help keep the debris operation running as smoothly as possible:

  • Separate your normal solid waste from your storm debris
  • Keep your storm debris away from trees as they inhibit the contractors ability to effectively remove debris
  • Do not place debris near, atop or adjacent to things of value to you, decorative pavers, tiled walkways, etc. Debris removal is not a delicate operation and it is important that residents take steps to minimize damage to their personal property
  • White goods (appliances) and electronics will be picked up during the second or third debris removal pass.
  • House hold hazardous waste (HHW) including paint, gasoline, chemicals, etc will also be picked up during the second or third pass.

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Environmental and Sustainability Board Regular Session – October 4, 2017

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Notice is given that the Bellaire Environmental and Sustainability Board will meet in Regular Session at 6:30 p.m. on Wednesday, October 4, 2017, in the Council Conference Room, First Floor of City Hall, 7008 South Rice Avenue, Bellaire, Texas 77401-4411.

To view a copy of the agenda for this Regular Session, please click HERE.

Tracy L. Dutton, TRMC
City Clerk
City of Bellaire, Texas

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Debris Management Update

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The week of September 25 has been the most productive debris removal week yet. The City’s contractor has removed more than 32,000 cubic yards of debris from in front of homes since the operation began on the 8th of September; and the first of at least three passes the contractor will provide is nearing completion. The City’s Public Works Department is working to complete debris removal in solid waste area B. This is the area of the community north of Bellaire Boulevard and West of IH610. The City’s contractor will be working to wrap up the first pass in the Southdale dale area in the coming days and will be continuing their efforts throughout the rest of the community as well. Residents are encouraged to check the Debris Collection Daily Update link on the City’s website, for additional information on debris removal progress. The link includes a map showing which areas have been addressed and gives residents a glimpse into where progress will next be made.

Below are a few tips to help keep the debris operation running as smoothly as possible:

  • Separate your normal solid waste from your storm debris
  • Keep your storm debris away from trees as they inhibit the contractors ability to effectively remove debris
  • Do not place debris near, atop or adjacent to things of value to you, decorative pavers, tiled walkways, etc. Debris removal is not a delicate operation and it is important that residents take steps to minimize damage to their personal property
  • White goods (appliances) and electronics will be picked up during the second or third debris removal pass.
  • House hold hazardous waste (HHW) including paint, gasoline, chemicals, etc will also be picked up during the second or third pass.

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