Let’s talk about FLOODING and the Valerie street residents.

How can we finally solve unneeded flooding?

Since we are about to have some horrible weather this week with Tropical storm Harvey or Hurricane Harvey, still yet to be determined, I wanted to talk about FLOODING.  As a 4 time flood victim, who does not live in the flood plain and gets preferred rate flood insurance, I really feel for the Valerie Street residents around Bellaire High School.

It amazed me that Planning and Zoning did not do more to mitigate the flooding concerns with requiring construction to max out all available underground storage options and to only go with an industry acceptable percentage that should solve the issue.SHOULD SOLVE!!  I can tell you that the new construction and use of land will cause the water to flow into the backyards and cause serious issues. Additionally, proper fuel tank cleaning is essential during such times to prevent contamination and ensure safety amidst the rising waters. For more information check out this site at https://fuel-tank-cleaning.co.uk/.

Who should be held responsible for all the new damage and drainage that home owners will have to put it to try to solve the issue?

I am a member of many flood support groups on Facebook and every time a storm approaches, like Harvey, everyone goes into “Is my house going to flood again?”  I know what that feeling is like and I do not wish it upon anyone.  WE NEED TO SOLVE FLOODING NOW!  The City of Bellaire needs to prevent any future hazards that could cause houses that never flooded, from flooding.  My house floods from the raised land of the mansion next door and the empty lot on the other side that was raised up.  My house acts like a bowl and all the water from their property pours into my yard and then into my house.  There is an ordinance that states new construction can not flood your neighbor.  The City of Bellaire’s flood plan is horrible. At first is was all house were to be raised, solid ground, then that caused more trouble like it does for me. I complained and complained and nothing was ever done.  My driveway would flood just from a faulty sprinkler they had installed next door.  Now, the houses are built with pass thru, so the water goes through the houses. This is why you see some houses raised so high off the ground.  There is one on Baldwin that the foundation starts at least 10 feet high. Check out this helpful resources at flooddamagerestoration.co.uk for more information on how we can tackle these issues effectively. 

So, who is going to pay when the Valerie street residents all start to flood?






#flooding #Storm Harvey #Valerie street residents #bellairetexas #bellairepolitics #bellaireelections #timeforchange

Bellaire City Council Regular Session Supplemental Budget Packet Materials

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The City Manager’s Office has provided some supplemental budget packet materials for this evening’s Regular Session of City Council (August 21, 2017, Regular Session). These materials relate to the first portion of the Regular Session, which is a Budget Workshop (#2). The Regular Session will begin at 6:00 p.m. and will take place in the Council Chamber, First Floor of City Hall, 7008 South Rice Avenue, Bellaire, Texas 77401-4411.

To view a copy of the supplemental materials, please click HERE.

Tracy L. Dutton, TRMC
City Clerk
City of Bellaire, Texas

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Bellaire City Council Regular Session Supplemental Packet Materials – August 21, 2017

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The City Manager’s Office has provided some supplemental budget packet materials for this evening’s Regular Session of City Council (August 21, 2017, Regular Session). These materials relate to the first portion of the Regular Session, which is a Budget Workshop (#2). The Regular Session will begin at 6:00 p.m. and will take place in the Council Chamber, First Floor of City Hall, 7008 South Rice Avenue, Bellaire, Texas 77401-4411.

To view a copy of the supplemental materials, please click HERE.

Tracy L. Dutton, TRMC
City Clerk
City of Bellaire, Texas
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Today’s waste of money — Evelyn’s Park

So far, roughly 12 million has been spent on Evelyn’s park, plus the ongoing maintenance that the City of Bellaire is responsible for paying.  I was there opening day and it was packed, people everywhere with lots of action and energy.  Today, the place is deserted with rarely anyone there.  I walk past the park everyday and the most I have ever seen was a family at one of the picnic tables and a few scattered people walking around.  Usually there is a few cars in the parking lot leaving lots of available parking, with those cars being the employees of Ivy and James.

I have a problem when people or in this case Evelyn’s Park Conservancy had years to plan and the actual construction period, roughly 2 years total, drops the ball and acts like an underfunded organization that does not have highly skilled individuals guiding every step of the way.  There was huge hoopla about dogs in the park and people quickly pointed out that there was NO signs up stating you can not have dogs in the park.  The excuse given at a city council meeting was basically we did not have time to get these made and they are taking longer then expected.  There is this expensive place called Fast Signs that would have made the sign that day, so I do not buy it.  In my opinion, just incompetence.

After a few weeks and lots of complaining about the dogs and parking on Camillia Ln, these signs popped up.  I took these on Sunday afternoon 8-20-17 and amazed that after months there are not more professional signs up that equal the quality of the park.

These look just like my campaign signs that cost me 2.00 each.






I have been seeking out anyone’s opinion of the Ivy and James.  I have yet to hear anything positive, hard to believe, but TRUE!  Who really wants to pay 16.00 for a hamburger? Even my friends who drink were floored that the lowest priced house wine was 9.00 a glass.

I mention all of this because a few weeks ago I went to Levy Park in Houston and all I can say is WOWWWWWWWWWWWWW.  For the first ten minutes I was there I was in awe and council not believe this was actually in Houston.  When Bellaire is all about parks and how much they do for the parks and how there is even a group, Patrons For Bellaire Parks, that raise money for Bellaire parks, why in the world do we not have this in Bellaire??  If you have not been, you must go.  There was someone walking around actually cleaning the park, there was an attendant that would loan out ping pong paddles or art and crafts activities.  There is a water park for the kids and overall the whole place has SHADE.

OK, there is phase 2 for Evelyn’s Park.  More money spent and if you go ask yourself what in the world cost so much money when there is nothing here but high grass and trails that go in circles.  I pulled up the Master Plan and looking for the word “Future” you can see what will be added, a lake, a river, food truck area, and a shade pavilion. Is this enough?  I do not think so. The Conservancy needs to make changes on their own before the City of Bellaire starts to pressure them to do something.  I will be the first to admit when I am wrong and it seems wanting a cross walk to protect people walking to the park really was not needed.  After new visitors come once, they will not come back as there  is nothing to do there except work on your tan.  It was amazing to me that the cones are still out.

#bellairetexas #localpolitics, #evelynspark, #election2017 #wasteofmoney

Third time is a charm, or is it?

On Wednesday I went to city hall to file for the election and everyone was gone.  On Thursday I went to city hall to try again and the wonderful Mrs. Tillie informed me that the day before all the women went to a late lunch and I had missed them. She tells me that Tracy, the best city clerk ever, was at a conference and they will need to call her to find out what to do.  Tracy will be back on Monday, also the last day to file, and hopefully I will be successful.

Kevin Newman will be running for Position 1 of Bellaire City Council

I do look at things as they happen and maybe this is a sign?  For the last few weeks when I explained to people why there was no use in running for City Council now, it became more clear that I had to run.  I need to bring up the issues no one will talk about.  I AM the choice people can VOTE for who want change and are tired of the Status Quo.

It seems residents of Bellaire are tired of feeling like their hard earned tax dollars are being wasted. 
It seems residents want to know what really happens in the city and where the money is really spent.
It seems people want accountability and need someone to hold Bellaire responsible.

We need to actually promote Bellaire SMALL business and stop just saying they do.
We need to stop this super elitism that I see more and more in Council meetings towards business and homes that do not fit their standards.

City Council should represent all residents and the last original residents are not being served.  Some of us actually like living in our original houses from the 1950s.

I am not a part of the Bellaire establishment and have no plans on joining. I am a businessman who cares about BELLAIRE and  is tired of what he sees. I am not a politician and I just want to be a voice for other like-minded residents who are not currently represented.



#bellairecitycouncil #bellairetexas #local politics #bellaire #citycouncil #bellaireelection #whotovotefor

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