Category: News

Time for a change. Promote small business. Bellaire election.

I haven’t posted in a while. I flooded again and my last post was showing the water already in my house around midnight, hours before the real flooding occurred. Campaigning just seems like one more distraction for people. The election will be here before we know it. IT is time for a change. We need people who will speak up for the residents Scary, how I talked about how we need to solve the flooding problem and BAM, we get a flood.
While campaigning last election, I went to the small businesses in Bellaire and while there I realized what little is done to help promote business in Bellaire. I created the Bellaire Small Business Association ( to help promote small business in Bellaire. The organization is free to join and wasn’t about money or fancy speakers or raising money.
I have listened to City Council talk about how pro business the City is and when I hear that I always laugh. Unless it is a business they want, it will be very hard to get permits or to even open. The small businesses of Bellaire are what gives the city its character and charm. I have been promoting this and will continue to until the city actually helps to promote small businesses.
If elected, I want to introduce a plan that Bellaire local businesses are given the first right at any city purchases. We really need to make an effort to help these small business owners grow, while keeping the money in the local economy.
Why isn’t the vehicle fleet maintenance being done by a Bellaire auto shop?
Why isn’t the t-shirts used for events made by a Bellaire shirt company?
I recently met the owner, Jason, of the Bellaire Shoe Repair who took over the shop 2 years ago and is trying to bring back that small town feel. He recently had a pop up shop for local artists and currently gives them space to sell their products.

IT is time to ELECT someone who will speak up and actually say what needs to be said. I plan to be that person!! I know Jim Avioli Sr.. is that person as well. Things need to change and for that to happen, you need people who will speak up.
Beautiful Bird Feeders Jim Avioli Sr. Bellaire, Texas
#promtesmallbusiness #voteforkevin #voteforjim

Baha’i Faith of Bellaire presentation at the Parks Board for structure donation.

Last night at the Parks Board meeting Hormoz Bastani representing the Baha’i Faith gave a presentation on the possible donation of a Pavilion to a City of Bellaire park system in recognition of the 200th anniversary of the founding of their religion.  It was interesting to learn something new, as most of us at the meeting didn’t even know this religion existed and there was a community in Bellaire.

The structure would be made of stainless steel and has 9 points representing the essential worth of all religions, and the unity and equality of all people.  The structure would be roughly 10 feet tall and 18 foot wide, with benches around the circumference as a place for reflection and meditation.



The day is finally here.  GO VOTE!!!

i-voted-button1 nikkiikkin-election-day-cookies-vote-2 vote_pops_by_bakerella

Bellaire flooded again last night

In case you slept through it last night, it did rain non stop.  The City flooded and many cars became stranded in the high water.  The bayou came within 5 feet of going over.  It was scary to think my house was going to flood again. At 6 am the water was about 3 inches high in my front yard and luckily the water did not reach my front door.

I did think it was odd that the Police went at around 3am to go get a dump truck to get through the high water.  I would have hoped that our Emergency Management team would have been prepared and had the dump truck already at the police station for the officers to use if needed.  I truly do not understand why there is never any preparation for flooding until the street start to flood.  Even with the best drainage in place Newcastle was flooded and it FLOODS almost every time there is a steady down pour.

I do plan to look into why nothing is ever done when it rains until it is flooded.

The Election is almost here :)

This has been a fast 2 months since campaigning started.  I have met some great people and learned new issues that need to be addressed.  We are in the home stretch and Tuesday will be here before we know it.  Thank you all for your support and help.

I do promise to have a very open door policy and I will always be available to meet, chat, text, or email anyone that wants to reach out.  Your feedback and opinions are important to me!

BANNERmore room small

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