Category: Flooding

Kevin Newman’s Top Priorities



AReduce the DEBT and remove the BLOAT added by the Hoffman years in the budget.

Work together with the CURRENT members of Council to continue the great work they have accomplished with only 3 votes.



I would focus on improving the Safety and Security in Bellaire.

Do you remember the days when no one sped through Bellaire? I want to see more POLICE on the street patrolling for criminals and protecting our homes.


Flood Control and Prevention


I want to make sure that the City’s technology is forward looking and leaves the 1990s.

The City’s attempts to communicate with the public are still designed for those who are in the know only. Information is hard to find online and even after a redesign the City’s website is horrible. Sadly, they are about to pay the website provider for another refresh.
We need to create a City of Bellaire smartphone app that can provide instant updates and news, connecting the residents with the city in real time.

Read my post from 2015 where I created an app using a free service. 6 years later and we still have no app.









Vote For KEVIN NEWMAN for Bellaire City Council 2021

     My main goal as Councilman is to listen to the needs of the residents of the City of Bellaire.
I will be available for any resident to voice their concerns and I will always maintain an open door policy.

I want to make sure there is greater TRANSPARENCY in City matters.
I want to make it easier for citizens to learn what is going on in the city BEFORE it happens.

I want the residents to know where the MONEY is going and why.


My goal as COUNCILMAN is to make sure the City of Bellaire is the BEST IT CAN BE.


My goal is to have more POLICE patrolling the city.
My goal is to fight to make sure the Fire Department has all the equipment needed to keep us safe.
 Full participation and open access to residents.


Remember, go VOTE on November 2nd


Let’s talk about FLOODING and the Valerie street residents.

How can we finally solve unneeded flooding?

Since we are about to have some horrible weather this week with Tropical storm Harvey or Hurricane Harvey, still yet to be determined, I wanted to talk about FLOODING.  As a 4 time flood victim, who does not live in the flood plain and gets preferred rate flood insurance, I really feel for the Valerie Street residents around Bellaire High School.

It amazed me that Planning and Zoning did not do more to mitigate the flooding concerns with requiring construction to max out all available underground storage options and to only go with an industry acceptable percentage that should solve the issue.SHOULD SOLVE!!  I can tell you that the new construction and use of land will cause the water to flow into the backyards and cause serious issues. Additionally, proper fuel tank cleaning is essential during such times to prevent contamination and ensure safety amidst the rising waters. For more information check out this site at

Who should be held responsible for all the new damage and drainage that home owners will have to put it to try to solve the issue?

I am a member of many flood support groups on Facebook and every time a storm approaches, like Harvey, everyone goes into “Is my house going to flood again?”  I know what that feeling is like and I do not wish it upon anyone.  WE NEED TO SOLVE FLOODING NOW!  The City of Bellaire needs to prevent any future hazards that could cause houses that never flooded, from flooding.  My house floods from the raised land of the mansion next door and the empty lot on the other side that was raised up.  My house acts like a bowl and all the water from their property pours into my yard and then into my house.  There is an ordinance that states new construction can not flood your neighbor.  The City of Bellaire’s flood plan is horrible. At first is was all house were to be raised, solid ground, then that caused more trouble like it does for me. I complained and complained and nothing was ever done.  My driveway would flood just from a faulty sprinkler they had installed next door.  Now, the houses are built with pass thru, so the water goes through the houses. This is why you see some houses raised so high off the ground.  There is one on Baldwin that the foundation starts at least 10 feet high. Check out this helpful resources at for more information on how we can tackle these issues effectively. 

So, who is going to pay when the Valerie street residents all start to flood?






#flooding #Storm Harvey #Valerie street residents #bellairetexas #bellairepolitics #bellaireelections #timeforchange

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