Kid after my own heart. Make the City use local businesses first.

I was walking on the Newcastle Trail and saw this flyer on the stop sign.  I try my best to always support every Bellaire business and if I thought he had a way to get to my house I would hire him to do my yard.

One thing that really bothers me is when City Council says they are pro business.  I feel this is the FURTHEST FROM THE TRUTH!  It seems as long as they want your business they are for it, otherwise go to Houston.

If elected I want to push a mandate that all City purchases are offered to any local business first. We need to support the small business owner who grinds it out everyday trying to add to the quality of life to all Bellaire residents.  I don’t care if it takes you an extra hour or an entire day to source the goods or services, lets keep the money in the City and make sure the small, local business owners can survive.

How about the catering goes to a local business, police car maintenance goes to a local mechanic, cakes are made by the local baker?  Simple things that will help everyone prosper.