Harvey Recovery Update

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Debris Removal

An additional debris staging area was secured outside the city limits, and approved by the TCEQ, earlier today, Wednesday September 20. Suitable sites are in high demand and short supply. The contractor had been securing additional and larger equipment in anticipation of being able to use the additional site, and that equipment is in town as of this afternoon.

The debris staging area on city owned property between Anderson and First street on the north side of Bellaire is overwhelmed, and as result, the pace of debris removal has been hindered. The staging area is a vital part of the process, as debris must be compacted before it can be sent to a landfill. The city’s contractor has been compacting debris and loading trucks for the landfill, but site constraints prevent the contractor from keeping up with the loads being brought in.

We should soon be able to publish information about when specific areas will have debris removed. Your patience is appreciated, please look for future updates.

Flood Related Building Permits

As previously announced, applications for flood-related repair permits are being received at the Harvey Recovery Resource Center, located in the Recreation Center at 7008 Fifth street. Next week Tuesday September 26 and Thursday September 28, the office will be open from 8:00 a.m. until 7:00 p.m. Normal office hours are 8:30 a.m. until 4:00 p.m. Volunteers and permit technicians will be available to assist you. Most applications are processed and approved the same day. Please visit www.bellairetx.gov/recoveryresources or call 713-662-8133 for more permitting and flood related information.

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Modified Event Pre-National Night Out and the KLOCKS Concert! For www.ci.bellaire.tx.us

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September 22, 2017 06:00 PM

Pre-National Night Out and the KLOCKS Concert!

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Date September 22, 2017
Time 6:00 PM - 9:00 PM
Location Bellaire Town Square
Bellaire, TX 77401
Cost Free

New Post on the Mayor’s Blog!

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Check out the latest post on Mayor Friedberg’s blog: Specific Use Permits for New Bellaire High School, Offsite Baseball Approved with Conditions


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Pre-National Night Out – Road to Recovery event This Friday!

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Join us this Friday at 6 pm for the Pre-National Night Out – Road to Recovery event. We will honor the Bellaire Residents who felt the effects of Hurricane Harvey, and the City of Bellaire team who helped in the relief effort.

At 6 pm there will be a meet and greet with the Bellaire Police Department, Fire Department, and City Staff. They will be answering any questions you have about their departments, and providing instruction on how to register your home for National Night Out. Free hot dogs, chips and drinks will be provided.

Then at 7 pm, The KLOCKS will be providing us with live music for the remainder of the night! So bring your lawn chairs and join your neighbors for this free, family-friendly event!

Friday Nite Live will also be available from 7 pm – 11 pm at the Bellaire Recreation for kids grade 1 – 6.

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Reminder: Flood Related Permits Moving – Effective Monday, September 18

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Beginning Monday, September 18, all flood related permits will be issued from the Harvey Recovery Resource Center, located at the Bellaire Recreation Center, 7008 Fifth Street, Bellaire, TX. Flood related permits will no longer be issued at City Hall.

There will be more available parking at this location than at City Hall.

City staff and volunteers will be available at the new location to provide guidance through the permit process. Information on the permitting process and requirements can be found here.

Permits will be issued Monday through Friday, from 8:30 AM to 4:00 PM. Extended hours may be added in the future. If you have any questions, please contact Shawn Cox at 713-662-8239 or scox@bellairetx.gov.

Recovery assistance information will also be available at the Center. For additional information on recovery resources, please visit www.bellairetx.gov/RecoveryResources.

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