Dive In Movie Tomorrow

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We are extremely excited to beat the heat at tomorrow’s Dive In Movie, and you should be too!

At 7:30pm tomorrow, August 10th, the Patrons for Bellaire Parks along with the City of Bellaire Parks and Recreation Department will be hosting the 7th Annual Dive In Movie. Our feature film this year is the family hit Finding Dory!

Tickets are $15 in advance or $20 at the door, and a pool noodle and refreshments are included with a ticket purchase. For more information, please visit the Patrons for Bellaire Parks website here.

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New Post on the Mayor’s Blog!

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Check out the newest post on Mayor Friedberg’s blog by clicking HERE.

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Suspicious person crime profile – 46xx Spruce

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See picture and video by clicking the link below


CenterPoint Energy Pole Replacement Program

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CenterPoint Energy will be conducting proactive pole inspections through their contractor Osmose within the North/East and South Central area of the City of Bellaire over the next few weeks.

This work will require Osmose personnel to be on some residential properties. They will be driving vehicles that have the label below.

The scope of work includes the following:

•Contractor will check each pole at ground level to insure soundness
•Contractor will dig below the pole at 18” for verification and a core sample

This testing establishes the poles that need to be replaced over the next few months and validates the remainder for up to 10 years.

If you have any questions or concerns related to this work, please call CenterPoint Energy directly at 713-207-2222.


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Party at the Pavilion Tonight

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Don’t forget to join us tonight for Party at the Pavilion at 7:00 pm! Backbeat Band will be providing the music while Curbside Sliderz provides the food.

Remember, the concert is FREE! Please bring your chairs or blankets for the lawn. Bellaire Town Square (7008 South Rice Ave.) will be the place to be for music, food and fun!

Due to the construction of the Municipal Facilities project, parking near City Hall will be affected. Additional event parking is available near the Bellaire Recreation Center. See you there!

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