Message from the Building Official

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The City of Bellaire will assist you with the process of repairing your home following the recent flood damage. There is a necessary process for issuing permits for reconstructions and repairs. City permit and inspection fees will be suspended for this flood event. The City has the applications for permits available online [here ]. The following provides details to assist you in navigating the permit process:


  • Permits are not required for “make safe” or demolition of flooded material
  • Citizens need to register online with FEMA for flood plains. This can be done online [here]
  • Permit are required for flood repairs, including smaller items like paint/flooring
    • Apply to the City for a permit
    • NO FEES
    • Permit Office located on first floor of City Hall, 7008 S. Rice Av.
    • All necessary forms at Permit Office


  • Permit applications for reconstruction require additional documentation.
    • A scope of repairs, or written bid/contract will suffice, must include explanation of costs associated with work.
    • Documentation of the home valuation. The Harris County Appraisal District maintains a public database for this information. Please print the page for your address, and provide it to the City.


  • Depending on the scope of work, the City may require an inspection prior to issuing a permit. We will expedite this step as quickly as possible.

There are no fees for reconstruction permits. The above procedures exist to protect you and your fellow citizens. We ensure adequate contractor information is on file to prevent predatory contractors from defrauding needy individuals. Likewise, the City’s flood protection plan requires us to follow certain regulations for flood repair permits.

If you have any questions about permits, repairs, or concerns, please don’t hesitate to contact the permit office at 713-662-8230. We are here to help and recognize this is already a stressful situation for you.


William Davidson

Building Official


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City Council Special Session (Closed Meeting) on August 31, 2017 – CANCELLED

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Notice is given that the City Council Special Session (Closed Meeting) originally scheduled to be held on Thursday, August 31, 2017, at 6:00 p.m. has been cancelled due to inclement weather.
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Modified Event ***City Council Special Session (Closed Meeting) – August 31, 2017 – CANCELLED*** For

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Notice of Cancellation of Meeting

August 31, 2017 06:00 PM

***City Council Special Session (Closed Meeting) – August 31, 2017 – CANCELLED***

This Special Session (Closed Session) originally scheduled for Thursday, August 31, 2017, has been cancelled due to inclement weather.… Read on

Date August 31, 2017
Time 6:00 PM - 8:00 PM
Location Council Chamber and Council Conference Room
First Floor of City Hall
7008 South Rice Avenue
Bellaire, TX 77401

A Message from the Mayor

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Finally, some good news. We’re not quite there yet, but we can see the light at the end of the tunnel. The overnight elevation data from Brays Bayou says it all:


As we saw yesterday, however, the Bayou’s receding can be two steps forward, one step back as further rains fill it up again. Plus, the unfathomable amount of water upstream of us still to work its way through the system will keep levels above normal for quite some time to come.

The City remains in response mode, and last night we continued transporting and checking on people in need of assistance. Public Works crews are keeping our overloaded wastewater system running. It is, and we’re asking residents to help by flushing toilets sparingly and minimizing use of dishwashers, washing machines and showers, to avoid unnecessary additional demand. Drinking water has at all times remained safe.

We are now beginning the process of transitioning into disaster recovery mode, but it is a process. We’ve been planning for it since even before this event began, and we’re now refining those plans and preparing to make them operational. Recovery will include debris removal and assistance to homeowners cleaning up flooded properties, and eventual resumption of regular city services. However, I must emphasize we’re not quite at that point yet, and ask for your continued patience. As soon as our emergency officials give the signal we will let you know.

Andrew S. Friedberg


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A Message from the Mayor

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Our Bellaire Emergency Operations Center


This afternoon I had an opportunity for a quick visit with our EOC personnel. They’re working nonstop on 12-hour rotations, but in great spirits and clearly taking pride in the job they’re doing for our community. They told me they know how much we all appreciate them … but I figured it wouldn’t hurt to tell them again.


It’s a big team involving every city department. First responders from Police and Fire, along with the Public Works crews, are most visible out in the field. Back at the EOC they’ve got administrative and logistics support from the City Manager’s office, Parks & Rec, Library, Finance and others. Everyone is doing their part.

The Communications division, working out of our emergency dispatch center, provides the first point of contact. Trained phone operators are answering questions from residents and routing and tracking calls for service, as well as maintaining communications with first responders out in the field. Incident commanders and section chiefs are constantly planning and prioritizing; coordinating with state, county and other agencies, including for additional resources; and distributing information and updates. The Administration and Logistics sections are, among many other things, taking care of those who are taking care of us, ensuring they’re fed and well-rested, and ready to perform their best throughout each rotation. EOC

The individuals working around the clock in our EOC (and staying there between shifts) have their own problems waiting for them at home. Many—probably most—of them have been directly impacted by this storm. Some, I’ve confirmed, live in especially hard-hit areas and have lost everything, and not for the first time either. Yet, they’ve set all that aside in service to us, and are doing an outstanding, admirable job. I’ve reassured them of our support, that the City of Bellaire stands behind them and will do all we can to help them when it’s our turn.

Andrew S. Friedberg

Link to Mayor’s Blog

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