Solid Waste message

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City crews will continue through the weekend to pick up regular household trash for those households east of Loop 610 (Solid Waste Areas C & D). There will be no trash pickup in the City on the Labor Day holiday, Monday, September 4, 2017. Regular scheduled solid waste service will resume on Tuesday, September 5, 2017. Please continue to separate your household trash from debris. Information on storm debris pick up will be available next week.

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Information from the Building Official and Fire Chief

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Residents of Bellaire:

The Fire Chief and Building Official have prepared a short list of concerns that we feel the people should keep in mind. Please read carefully, and stay safe during your recovery efforts.

As recovery begins, caution is needed! The process of removing sheetrock (using crowbars, hammers and ripping sheets off the wall) can lead to damage to electrical wiring. This damage increases the likelihood of electrical short and potential fire. Electrical outlets that sustained water damage must be replaced or thoroughly dry before use. Cords that serve electrical devices like fans, compressors, dehumidifiers, etc., along with extension cords are all subject to increase wear from foot traffic. Check these cords, looking for frayed or missing insulation or warm spots along the length of the cord. If found, discontinue use.

Personal injury from minor cuts, scrapes and infection is a real possibility. Bellaire Fire Department Medical Director has advised Bellaire Fire Department to use a skin cleanser and antiseptic such as Hibiclens for these injuries at the time of the injury. As always, seek medical attention if the affected becomes infected.

Many of the homes in Bellaire are constructed above the ground with a hollow “crawl space” under the living area of the home. If the water got high enough, it could have gotten the insulation in this area wet, possibly leading to mold and mildew problems. Make sure that if you got water in your garage, you check your crawlspace insulation to see if it is damp. Depending on the type of insulation, water damaged material may need to be replaced or de-humidified. Your repair contractor can provide you with more information.

Out of state contractors are free to work on most repairs in Texas without a license. It is important to know that state law and city ordinances prohibit anyone from doing electrical or plumbing work without a State of Texas license. Please make sure that anyone doing work for you can provide a copy of their license.

Don’t forget that permits are required once you start replacing material. The City Permit Office will open on Tuesday, September 5, 2017 from 8:30am to 4:00pm to begin accepting permit applications. Stay safe, and if you have any questions about the repair process or safety, reach out to the City at 713-662-8230.


Darryl Anderson, Fire Chief

William Davidson, Building Official

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New post on the Mayor’s blog: Bellaire Rising to the Challenge

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Click HERE to read the latest post on Mayor Friedberg’s blog!

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Solid Waste Update

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City crews were unable to complete the collection of Solid Waste in Section E yesterday. While Mimosa, Maple, and Holt were collected for this section, the remaining streets will be picked up today, Friday, September 1. The service area for Section E is from the south side of Bellaire Blvd. to the southern City limit and from the west side of IH610 to S. Rice Ave.

Solid Waste Services are also scheduled for collection in Sections C and D (both inside the Loop) for today.

Please be aware that the City will be unable to collect storm related construction debris, appliances, furniture, etc. This type of storm related material will be collected by a Debris Management contractor as has been done in past storm and flooding events.

The City is presently working with this contractor to develop a schedule for this work and we will pass this information on to you as soon as it is available.

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Update on Water and Wastewater Service

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Previous messages have asked residents to restrict the use of the city’s wastewater system. There is no longer a reason to restrict the use of toilets, dishwashers, washing machines, or showers. The wastewater plant has suffered some damage, and those repairs are being made now. Normal flows will not impede operations or repairs. The city’s water system has suffered no damage, and the water continues to be safe to drink. Your patience and cooperation during this time is greatly appreciated.

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