DO we really want people on the corner with a sign begging for money in Bellaire?
I am back at my favorite corner, Bissonnet and 610, looking out and what do I see? There is a man in a bright orange shirt, holding a sign walking into traffic. At 2:16PM the Bellaire Police were called and this person was reported as a traffic hazard with a full description of what he was wearing and what he was doing. It is now 3:08 and there is so no police units responding to the call. A Public Work’s vehicle was seen at the corner and should have reported it as well.
I am for anyone trying to make a living, but do we really want people begging for money on the corner in Bellaire? This is the exact definition of my restore the “aura” to Bellaire. As I am writing this there is still no unit and we are coming up to a 1 hour call time. I do understand this is not the highest priority call, but he is walking in and out of traffic and when he gets hit by a car it will become a major accident.
Once elected I want to make sure this type of thing does NOT happen. I want to investigate why any call in Bellaire takes over 1 hour for a response regardless the priority. My source is sending me updated information and the man is currently walking into the street and still no police interaction and it is going on 70 minutes. I want to fix the broken police department and this is just one example of something that should never even be an issue. Just think how often things like this happen all over Bellaire, every day?