Category: News

DO we really want people on the corner with a sign begging for money in Bellaire?

I am back at my favorite corner, Bissonnet and 610, looking out and what do I see?  There is a man in a bright orange shirt, holding a sign walking into traffic.  At 2:16PM the Bellaire Police were called and this person was reported as a traffic hazard with a full description of what he was wearing and what he was doing. It is now 3:08 and there is so no police units responding to the call.  A Public Work’s vehicle was seen at the corner and should have reported it as well.


I am for anyone trying to make a living, but do we really want people begging for money on the corner in Bellaire?  This is the exact definition of my restore the “aura” to Bellaire.  As I am writing this there is still no unit and we are coming up to a 1 hour call time.  I do understand this is not the highest priority call, but he is walking in and out of traffic and when he gets hit by a car it will become a major accident.


Once elected I want to make sure this type of thing does NOT happen.  I want to investigate why any call in Bellaire takes over 1 hour for a response regardless the priority.  My source is sending me updated information and the man is currently walking into the street and still no police interaction and it is going on 70 minutes.  I want to fix the broken police department and this is just one example of something that should never even be an issue.  Just think how often things like this happen all over Bellaire, every day?


Let us all remember all those lost in this horrible event.

On this day let us all remember all those lost in this horrible event.  Let us remember if we forget the past, we are doomed to repeat it.9-11-never-forget-pentagon-1

HEB is one step closer, gets ordinance repealed and receives land for free.

vote for kevin newman for bellaire city council

With the full council present, the previous ordinance passed agreeing to sell the easements needed to rebuild the HEB on cedar, was repealed and a new ordinance was passed 6-1 with Gus Pappas voting no,.to give the land to the owner of the shopping center the land for free.  This free land was offered for sale for $175,000.00 at 75% of the appraised value.  HEB said no and a special closed session was convened to discuss the reversal of the ordinance and creation of the ordinance giving the land for free.

Roman Reed made a point to mention that this was Bellaire’s attempt at proving Bellaire wants to work with businesses and spur economic growth. I would agree with that if the location was vacant and we actually brought new business to the city.  Bellaire is a flagship and HEB gains having a location in our city as much as we gain from being able to shop in a new, modern store.

Coming into this election there are many events and actions already in motion.  The rebuilding of HEB is one of these things.  I am missing many facts and can only speak to what I have read so far.  The traffic generated from this store will push Bissonnet to its limits and the surrounding area will feel the effect of the extra traffic.  I do feel the increased traffic will help Spruce and Cedar as the constant flow of traffic will allow new businesses to move in.  I hope we extend the same courtesies of economic development to all the new businesses.

I wonder if we still have the Elm speed bump distributor on speed dial for when Locust complains people are cutting through?  Don’t forget to go vote in the Bellaire General Election on November 3rd.  Vote For Kevin Newman for Bellaire City Council


Looks like Campaigning is off to a start.

Campaigning for public office can take many forms.  For a Presidential race some feel all it takes is money to blanket the airwaves, but today I am talking about a small town local election.  An election that if you do win, you do not get paid and you represent your city for love and the desire to protect the city you call home.

Talking to a few people it seems no one has heard of me, I consider that both good and bad.  The good is in people’s minds I do not carry any preconceived ideas or motives and I can give everyone a chance to learn about my views and the direction I want for the City of Bellaire.  The bad is, well no one knows who I am, so I need to try to meet every voter and tell them what I think.  Pound the pavement, slap some skin, meet and greet.  To me you do not need much money to win an election, you just need the desire to serve and the ability to try.  Oh, You also need to find the people who are going to vote.  Around 3000 people voted in 2013 and I will try to make contact with each and everyone of you.


vote for kevin newman bellaire city councilSomeone sent me this picture on Saturday. I was not sure what was considered to early to put out signs or if kids would take them for fun.  This is the first sign I have seen for Bellaire, though there is a Chris Bell for Mayor sign across the street from my house.  Guess they are looking for the people traveling through the city.  I look forward to meeting everyone.



If you would like me to place a sign in your yard please use the form on the VOLUNTEER for kevin newman for bellaire city council


Here is your first look at Lafayette Park

A few days ago Lafayette Park was leveled and a truck was seen carrying away the old park equipment. Here is a view on the NEW LAFAYETTE PARK

lafayette park-vote for kevin newman for bellaire city councilThis is on the spot where there was a bucket loader toy that I loved playing with.  This is a great start and cant wait to see it completely finished.

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