Where has PRIDE gone?

Something I truly despise is when people refuse to take pride in what they are doing.  We all encounter this way to often.  From retail employees to even your children as you tell them to clean their rooms. The mentality of people today is what is the minimum I can do and get away with it.  The thought of spending a few extra minutes to just do it right isn’t even an option.

When I am ELECTED to the Bellaire City Council on November 3rd I want to try putting a stop to this type of thinking in City affairs.  I want all city employees and contractors to give 110% and take some pride in the City of Bellaire.  Most days you can find me under the 610 underpass working. I stare at the Southeast corner of the intersection at Bissonnet and 610 daily.  The pictures below show what my view is.  Part of my campaign goals is to bring back the “Aura” that Bellaire once had.  This is a perfect example.

bellaire street sign coverd in treesIf you look close in picture 1 you can see a DO NOT ENTER sign.  This sign has been nearly impossible to see for almost a year.  Covered by dense, thick tree limbs.  It is a safety hazard and it truly boggles my mind how why this sign isnt clearly visible.  Last week, to my surprise I see a tree crew out there cutting the over growth.  Do you think this picture is the before or the after?  Ha, this isn’t one of those crazy hidden design pictures like they used to sell at the malls. There is a sign behind the jeep.  This is the AFTER picture. A crew was there for hours trimming the trees and if I had not seen them with my own eyes I would have never know these tree limbs were cut.  Considering the crew was paid to come, I would think that they would at least make the sign stand out and at a minimum cut back enough limbs to allow time before the trees need to be trimmed again.   To me, it is clear this crew had no pride in their work and there was no supervision and oversight on this job.


street light hanging in belliareThis is the same intersection.  That is a street light with the cover about to fall off.  This cover has been down for as long as I remember and only a matter of time before it falls off or the bulb breaks.  I do know that months ago the Bellaire Police drove around and made a report of street lights.  This cover could have popped open after that report, but I would think that being a major intersection some, any city employee would report this and fix it.  This is something I would want fixed ASAP.  I would want to know why it hasnt been fixed and if this is just one light, how many more are there in the city needing attention.


My goal as BELLAIRE CITY COUNCILMAN is giving that push that Council has been missing.  The small things are the easiest to fix and usually have the largest impact.  I would love to hear about the places and things you find in Bellaire that can be fixed easily.  I want to know the things that boggle your minds.  Email me at Kevin@politician.com