Request for Ballot by Mail – Overseas Voter for Bellaire General Election
Request for Ballot by Mail – Overseas Voter for Bellaire General Election
Today I was told by our city clerk, Tracy Dutton, that there was a request for information on how an overseas voter can vote in the Bellaire General Election. Here is that info in case any overseas or military personnel want to vote.
“The Harris County Clerk’s Office has an online process for military and overseas voters to fill out a “Federal Post Card Application” and receive an absentee ballot. The City of Bellaire has contracted with Harris County to conduct our General Election (Mayor, Councilmen – Position Nos. 2, 4, and 6) and Special Election (to fill a vacancy in the Office of Councilman – Position No. 5). As you probably already know, these elections will be held on Tuesday, November 3, 2015.
In order to apply, access the Harris County Clerk’s Election Division website as follows: Once on the homepage, click on the tab titled “Voting Info.” From the dropdown menu, select “Military/Overseas.” From there, select “Click Here to Submit an FPCA Online or to Check Your Status.” From there, click “Click here to fill out a Federal Post Card Application (FPCA).”