Recovery Process
As our community begins to recover from Harvey, we would like to share with you of actions already underway:
Solid waste and Debris:
The City is hoping to resume trash pick-up by this Friday with the debris contractors in operation sometime next week. Flooded landfills and the inability of workers to arrive on site has hampered this service. If you do place items on the curb, please separate trash bags from debris.
Scams and scammers:
Unfortunately, in all disasters, nefarious people will use your misfortune or goodwill to fleece you out of material goods or money. If you want to donate money, be sure the company is legitimate and preferably local. Watch out for “GoFundMe” pages that appear to be real but there is no way to confirm the information. Please, don’t become a victim. This storm has created enough already.
Water and Wastewater:
The City’s water supply is safe to use! You are asked to be conservative in flushing until the waste water system has fully recovered. Yards have had plenty of rain, so please turn off your sprinkler systems.
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