Mayor Friedberg: Harvey Flood Response Update

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Unfortunately the situation has only gotten worse today, and it’ll be a while before it improves. If you’ve made it to safety, please hang in there but be prepared for the possibility it’ll be a couple days as we’re expecting more rain tonight. If you’re in need of rescue, first responders are out in high water vehicles and boats, but conditions are making it very difficult for them to get to everyone quickly. They’re doing everything they can and then some. If you’re able to help your neighbors until first responders can get to you, please do.

Life-threatening emergencies remain our top priority and should be reported to 911. Non-emergency phone lines are overwhelmed with calls, so please be patient and try back if you cannot get through right away. The Bellaire EOC non-emergency hotline is (713) 662-8206.

I know many of you are concerned about Bellaire’s water supply. Our drinking water is safe. However, the wastewater treatment plant and lift stations are struggling as the sanitary sewers have been inundated with storm water intrusion. There’s not much Public Works can do about that until the flood waters begin to recede. You can help by limiting unnecessary sewer discharge including toilets and showers. Again, drinking water remains safe.

The EOC command staff is distributing important information as it becomes available, online and through the Notify Me e-mail system. Please consult the City website,, for announcements.

Neighbors helping neighbors is now more important than ever. We’re all in this together.

Andrew S. Friedberg

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