Looks like Campaigning is off to a start.

Campaigning for public office can take many forms.  For a Presidential race some feel all it takes is money to blanket the airwaves, but today I am talking about a small town local election.  An election that if you do win, you do not get paid and you represent your city for love and the desire to protect the city you call home.

Talking to a few people it seems no one has heard of me, I consider that both good and bad.  The good is in people’s minds I do not carry any preconceived ideas or motives and I can give everyone a chance to learn about my views and the direction I want for the City of Bellaire.  The bad is, well no one knows who I am, so I need to try to meet every voter and tell them what I think.  Pound the pavement, slap some skin, meet and greet.  To me you do not need much money to win an election, you just need the desire to serve and the ability to try.  Oh, You also need to find the people who are going to vote.  Around 3000 people voted in 2013 and I will try to make contact with each and everyone of you.


vote for kevin newman bellaire city councilSomeone sent me this picture on Saturday. I was not sure what was considered to early to put out signs or if kids would take them for fun.  This is the first sign I have seen for Bellaire, though there is a Chris Bell for Mayor sign across the street from my house.  Guess they are looking for the people traveling through the city.  I look forward to meeting everyone.



If you would like me to place a sign in your yard please use the form on the VOLUNTEER page.vote for kevin newman for bellaire city council