Everyday should be a learning experience

Everyday should be a learning experience

Having the right to vote is something I feel most people take for granted.  Most people will not go vote, do not care about the election, and overall do not feel it is something they should spend their time on.  If the people who gave their life fighting for getting EVERYONE the right to vote could see how low voter turn out is they would probably have given up the fight.


Going to Fondren Middle School in 1984 I remember we did a project on the Presidential election.  I saved it all these years and it was kept at my parents house in my old closest.  It was in an orange 2 pocket folder, the ones with brads.  This was also the time when they taught us to climb under the desk in case of a nuclear attack.  Being a 12-year-old in the 84 the election was a big deal.  In class we learn about the Electoral College and how our vote really does not elect the President and we come to believe our vote does not matter.  In this ELECTION on November 3rd, every vote matters and with voter turn out painfully low I am guessing that not more 1000 people will show at the polls to vote.  I try to learn from every adventure I go on, I try to look at every event in my life and learn from it.  This election is no different.


I reached out to the Principal of Bellaire High School (mmcdonou@houstonisd.org) and the Dean of Students at Episcopal High School (mnewton@ehshouston.org) asking if they had a government class that was discussing the election.  I felt this election would be the PERFECT example of how your vote does count and to see democracy in action.  I was amazed that I did not even get a reply.  I thought that having a candidate for Bellaire City Council want to come in and make the class apart of his campaign would be accepted with open arms, I was wrong.  I guess this is part of the larger problem that no one really cares about anything unless they have to.

Thankfully I care about Bellaire and I want to be on the City Council. I want to make a difference.  Contact me if you want to make a difference and together we can do it.   kevin@politician.com