A Message from the Mayor

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A quick follow-up to my message from earlier this morning. Now that flood waters have receded to more manageable levels, I’ve continued receiving a great many offers of help. Again, thanks to all of you. When times are at their worst, Bellaire is at its best.

Right now we’re still in response and rescue mode. With the National Weather Service predicting additional rain through Thursday, we’re not out of the woods just yet. This event is ongoing, and given the risk that potentially heavy rains will lead to a repeat flooding situation we cannot transition to recovery mode and return to normal operations at this time.

So for now, if you’re wanting to help the best thing you can do is check on your neighbors and make sure they’re safe and secure. Look up and down your street for storm debris and help us by moving it to higher ground and away from drainage inlets so it does not exacerbate possible repeat flooding. If you encounter any obstructions that are too large for you to move, please call the EOC at (713) 662-8206 to report them. Some residents who have sustained flood damage have already started taking carpets, drywall and other trash out to the curb. That’s understandable, of course, however at this time Public Works cannot pick it all up. Help us by knocking on their doors, and then by helping them remove these items.

Though we very much appreciate all well-intended offers, we’re still in response and rescue mode and volunteers are not needed at this time, nor can we risk their safety. If you want to help today, please do as suggested above. We’re already planning ahead for the coming days when we’ll be ready for volunteers to assist with recovery efforts, and we will communicate our needs to you at that time.

Thanks once again for all you’ve been doing for each other these past few days, and for all you will be doing once our recovery gets underway.

Andrew S. Friedberg

Link to Mayor’s Blog

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